Friday, November 17, 2006

Regarding CPSI 2007

Hello to all the Wondering Creatives,

CPSI is scheduled for June 24th to 29th, 2007.

CEF has not confirmed the location because while we planned to return to Loyola, and would like to, we are in on-going negotiations with the University. A significant contributing factor being that our contact left Loyola in August and her replacement started November 1st.

We have a back-up venue, that is not located in Illinois. Ideally, we would like to return to Chicago but are not sure that will happen. As frustrating as it is for all concerned who attend and present at CPSI, it is even more frustrating as the organizers.

So please help spread the word the CPSI 2007 is planned for the last full week in June, and know that as soon as things are settled we will let you know.

Warm regards,
Victoria Cliche