Friday, June 24, 2005

More Projects

Something else that has been occupying my time has been the Creative Connections Network. What this is is the alumni association for the Creatve Studies department at Buffalo State College. For some reason they made me the president. But that's ok, because it's a lot of fun.

Just thought I'd mention that .. and advertize my other blog while I'm at it.

New Skills

One of the things I've been working on lately is designing websites. While I've done graphics and digital art before, this is the first website I've ever designed. The artwork and aesthetics anyhow. A colleague set up the page itself. Now I'm to take over maintaining the site, which is fine but I'm finding that I need to learn new software and procedures in order to do this.

This is the sort of thing that I've been wanting to do for a long time and now I can, so I suppose the moral of the story is to be careful what you wish for. The changes will be made and I'll be fine, but this whole business of learning how is kind of frustrating. I'm trying to not blame my current challenges on my dial-up internet connection, but I don't think that's it. I just need to take the time to sit and figure things out. Oh, and be patient with myself. Which I hate, but there it is.

Anyway, the site is for the Buffalo-Niagara chapter of the American Creativity Association. And I really do appreciate the opportunity, because it's kind of fun.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Getting back in the groove

I suppose it happens to everyone.. Life has a way of taking over sometimes and things like blogging just fall by the wayside. Not that I haven't been collecting article to comment on.. Or thinking of thing to write about. Because I have. In fact there are about 15 articles in my files that I have been meaning to comment on. And I have been thinking of incorporating Image Streaming into this space as well.

We'll see. My commitments are beginning to wind down and in a week or so my free time will be mine again. Which is nice because I've been feeling the need to move on a bit... try new things and all that. Blogging is a part of that.. marking the journey so to speak.

I plan to continue the art-blogging, maybe just once a week.. and I don't think all the articles I've saved will make it in for commentary. There are way to many of them, and I think I'd rather write about my own work.

Whatever. It's an ongoing process and it's my space, so I suppose there is no wrong way to go about it.