Friday, April 15, 2011


Probably the best thing about the iPad is how it has changed my approach to digital art. It's no longer collecting images into Photo Shop and making collages, rather it's the ability to draw or paint with no intervening steps. Some of these apps are even more intuitive than using charcoal on paper. Not getting dirty is a huge plus, as is the ability to draw out of doors and not having to lug 20 lbs of equipment around. Anyway, I've been drawing again and it feels wonderful. At the moment they're all on my Facebook page but eventually I'll put them up someplace more public, and maybe set some for sale. I've been looking into how to go about doing this and it's a more complex process than I realized, but I do need to start someplace so stay tuned.

For the most part I have been simply seeing what the apps can do and posting the results. But they seem to be taking off and working as pieces and have been leading to me thinking in terms of them as pieces and not doodles. At one point I had been making pieces that reflect the subject of female submission as a cultural more, particularly when it comes to the Virgin. Anyway, since that time I have run into some interesting communities in Second Life and done some reading and this and my new medium seem to be poking me to explore the subject further. It probably makes no sense now, so anyone reading this will have to wait until the drawings are completed and posted. I should have some sort of sense of what I'm doing by then. At least I hope so.

Another thing I need to stop doing is coming to these conclusions after I've taken my Ambien for the night. My work will benefit from sleep.

1 comment:

virginina said...

looking forward to viewing the drawings!