Sunday, December 12, 2010


Lately I have been having dreams where I am moving forward, changing spaces and clearing out the old. I wake up feeling oddly exhilarated and eager to pursue what my subconscious is trying to tell me is at hand. In some way I suppose that's what I am doing. Change, fresh starts and all that go with them begin mentally and if in my dreams I'm eliminating clutter and moving and meeting new people and facing new circumstances then that is what I am in the process of doing. The key is to take the clues I'm giving myself and act on them.

Action being the key. I have lots of ideas. All the time. They don't stop. I analyze, review and debate habitually. Sometimes I even come up with the outline of an action plan. But I rarely refine or implement. The thing with me is to look at what I actually DO, rather than think about. Even discussion is not a good indicator for eventual implementation because to me that is an advanced method of analysis: I think this is something that could work so I want to explore resources that I don't have readily at hand. I'd say 99% of what I talk about is either discarded or tossed back on the pile for future use. My dreams indicate that I am discarding and getting ready to act. But on what?

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