Monday, October 02, 2006

Returning to Creativity

I've pretty much been leaving this blog alone lately.. it's been just about two months since I've posted on it. Not that I've got nothing to say, because my LiveJournal has been active, I just haven't felt like spending the time. That blog has always been about fun so maintaining it is usually easier.

But I felt a bit inspired and that is due to this link a friend sent me. It's 30 second movies, acted out by bunnies! I have not watched all of them, but I do reccomend Bunny "Night of the Living Dead" and "Brokeback Mountain".

I have no idea how active this blog is going to be. I don't want to discontinue because I've always felt as though I need a forum in case I feel like writing something awesomely intelligent, but right now bunny movies are about all I'm interested in at the moment. Not that that's a bad thing, I happen to think the bunny movies are one of the most creative things I've come across in a long time. They're also hilarious which never hurts.

What I'm not going to do, however, is enage in political debate. My last post here was a step into the area of politics because it was something I felt strongly about and felt the need to blog about it. I'm not responding to the comment that was left, because I do not feel that this is the appropriate forum for that. I do not want this to turn into a politcal blog at all because there are other blogs designed specifically for that purpose. However it is my blog, so I can write about whatever I want as the mood strikes me. That being said, I'm not deleting the comment because I feel that everyone is entitled to their opinion, weather or not I agree, which in this case I do not. So as far as I'm concerned my foray into politics is over. At least for now.

So that's where I'm at. We'll take things as they come and then go from there.

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