Monday, December 10, 2007
ICSC New Faculty Search
I am writing to ask for your assistance in our search for a newly created
faculty position, Assistant/Associate Professor for Leadership and
Creativity at the International Center for Studies in Creativity (ICSC) at
Buffalo State College. I have attached a position description for your
information. Please pass it on to qualified colleagues who may be interested
in the position.
It is an exciting time at the International Center for Studies in Creativity
as our Master of Science in Creativity, our international certification in
Creativity and Change Leadership and our minor program at the undergraduate
level continue to grow. Recognized as the "Credential in Creativity" for
more than 30 years, our educational programs are designed to provide
professionals with the necessary knowledge and skills to become
transformational leaders, both in business and education. We are currently
developing an undergraduate minor in leadership and this newly created
faculty position reflects our commitment to enhancing leadership studies and
articulating the natural connection between leadership and creativity. For
more information about the ICSC please visit our website:
Please feel free to contact me or Sue Keller-Mathers, Search Chair at
(kellersm at buffalostate dot edu) with any questions regarding this position.
Thank you for sharing this with anyone you feel may be interested/qualified.
Click here for a downloadable version of the position description.
(Just scroll down a bit for the link to the Word document.)
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
The problem with blogging
We'll see. I'm thinking about it now and will decide in the next couple of weeks.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Free Burma
International bloggers are preparing an action to support the peaceful revolution in Burma. We want to set a sign for freedom and show our sympathy for these people who are fighting their cruel regime without weapons.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Wanted: supplies for youth summer program: lost our funding!
If you are able to help, please contact this blog's administrator
and you will be put in touch with Tina.
Dear Community,
I serve as a volunteer for Positive Youth of Tomorrow, which serves youth in
the inner city of Buffalo. We serve children, parents, and youth/young
adults. We are working to increase literacy, life skills, safety, and reduce
violence this summer. We had been promised funding from a Buffalo City
agency, but after procuring space, volunteers, and children for the program
they have now "changed their minds." Please help us have a safe place for
children to go this summer--there are robberies, assaults, and shootings of
youth DAILY in this area and there are no summer programs available for
these children in this area. If you have any of the following items, please
email me. Drop offs are welcome (several locations) but someone may be able
to pick up. If you would like to see a written copy of the program, I would
be happy to email it to you. Thank you!
Gardening Supplies
General Office Supplies (paper, pens, pencils, tape, staples, etc.)
Art Supplies (crayons, markers, poster paints, clay, posterboard, coloring
books, etc.)
Teaching supplies (childrens' books, flash cards, educational toys, etc.)
kitchen supplies (common household items--to teach food preparation &
T-Shirts (100)
Silkscreening Supplies (to create t-shirts)
Food (packaged snacks, drinks, etc. )
DVD Player
Storage Cabinet
Chalk/Wipe off Boards (3)
Easels (6)
Inkjet Computer Printer
Sports Equipment (Balls, etc.)
Sterilite/Rubbermaid Containers
Easel Pads (6)
Ink Cartridges
Gift cards for grocery stores, walmart, etc. (to purchase supplies)
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Update: CPSI 2007
Hi Everyone!
The following is the latest word from CEF. It seems that there will be a CPSI this year, but I don't think there is a location yet. As soon as I come across any new information I will post it here.
"Dear Creative Problem Solver,
This is to let you know that we are in the final stages of negotiation with a venue for CPSI 2007. We are expecting the dates to be Sunday, June 24 to Friday, June 29 (We are shortening the conference by a day, with a Sunday night start. Pre-Conference programs will also be held on Sunday.)
While we had planned to return to Loyola University in Chicago, circumstances after the conference, including the resignation of our Loyola contact and pricing demands, caused us to reconsider and ultimately decline the venue.
Over the past several months, we have been in discussions with 37 venues none of whom could accommodate us this year, but a select few of whom are interested in our business for CPSI 2008. We have been negotiating with 4 additional venues, one of whom is in the forefront.
We will be opening Leader solicitation in February and will send out a notice when we do so. We will also be sharing final dates, program changes and other changes at that time.
Thanks for your interest and patience and stay tuned for more information coming soon.
Victoria Cliche
Executive Director
Creative Education Foundation
PS: The 2006 Integrating Creative Leadership class is launching the CEF Newsletter next month, so keep a look out for that as well!!!"
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Creative Connections Meeting Chage
Just letting you all know that the date for this months Creative Connections meeting had to be changed. The new date is:
Saturday, January 27 at noon in the Peanut Room at the Center.
Hope to see you there as we vote in new leadership!
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Creative Connections January Meeting
Hi Everyone!
Hope the new year is starting out to be a good one for you all!
This is a year of changes for Creative Connections, and our first order
of business for 2007 is to choose new leadership! (It's been a lot of
fun being Creative Connections President, but it's time for me to move
on to other things.)
So if you are interested in becoming involved with Creative
Connections, this is an excellent time to do so. Or, just come to the
meeting to say hi!
We are meeting on Saturday, Jan 20 at noon, in the Peanut Room at the
Hope to see you there!