Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Whoo Hoo!

I'm going to step into politics for a bit to congratulate Ned Lamont in his victory over Lieberman in CT.

And a note to the Senators and other Democrats in NY and around the country.. I'm sure my reader will help pass along the message: Do the right thing and pay attention to what happened here. We're tired of the war, which never should have happened in the first place, and we're tired of the current political climate which seems bent on eliminating the civil rights of everyone. Fight back. Or plan a career change, because those who don't will not remain in office much longer. And someone talk to Joe and explain to him what it means to lose gracefully. His current posturing is appaling.

That's it for the politics for now. I usually don't bother because the subject is covered so well, and so completely elsewhere, but this time it was important.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

My other favorite story..

Is this one, where a guard dog accidentally ate Elvis Presley's teddy bear. Go ahead, read it for yourself!

I'm just glad it's an interesting news day. On a day like this it's much to hot to do much of anything except blog..

I want to move to Scotland..

The polititians there have much more interesting scandals than our do. Read the article from Yahoo News here. Our elected officials have tax and money type things going on, but it seems as though there hasn't been a sex scandal, at least an interesting one, since Clinton left office.

My favorite part of this story is where he fired his legal team and decided to defend himself. By putting his wife on the stand:

Gail Sheridan, 42, gave a passionate defense of her husband and said she would have killed him and dumped his body in Glasgow's river Clyde if she believed the allegations.

"You would be in the Clyde with a piece of concrete tied round you and I would be in court for your murder," she said.

Gail Sheridan also said McGuire had obviously never had sex with her husband because, if she had, she would have mentioned his hairy body in her kiss-and-tell revelations.

"You are like a monkey, so anybody rolling an ice cube around your body would end up with a hairball ..." she told her husband across the packed court room. "There is more hair on your body than there is on your head."

It dosen't get much better than that..