I saw this on the 6:00 news tonight, then went to the NYTimes for confirmation. Seems that Barbie and Ken broke up a couple of years ago. She dumped him for an Austrailian srufer named Blaine. The picture on the right near is of the interloper. And they wonder why the sales of the dolls are going down: Barbie and BLAINE? Please. It's Barbie andKEN. Always has been, always will be.
Unless it was all an excuse to give Ken a makeover. As dolls go, he hasn't really moved with the times. But still. BLAINE?
Anyway, there is to be a new Ken and I wasn't even aware that there was a problem with the old one. And I don't care what the new Ken looks like, either. Although I am glad they've updated him a bit. By the way, I'm not posting a pic of the new Ken. If you want to see it, click on the article link. They've got a picture and a description of Ken's lifestyle changes. Seems he's no longer a surfer, but a cutting-edge guy who looks cool, cooks, and is in touch with his feelings. Personally, I think that's a lot to expect from a doll.
When I was a kid I had a Malibu Ken. He came with a bathing suit and towel, so he was ready for fun on the beach. And my extra outfit for Ken, because sometimes he and Barbie would go out, was a pale blue leisure suit. It was the '70's and Ken was very stylish. Or as stylish as you can get with plastic hair. That's him up there on the right. I couldn't find any pictures of the leisure suit.
Anyway, I'm glad Barbie and Ken have decided to work things out.
UPDATE: The layout I originally set didn't quite publish properly. Anyway, the 1970's Malibu Ken is the one with the bitchin tan. The one with the bad rug is that Blaine.