Before I write anything about my topic, I have to say that I'm noticing that I cannot change the font and color from the dashboard anymore.... Most disconcerting and I hope it's not a permanent thing. There are times when a change of font and color are just what you need....
Anyhooooooo... Franz Ferdinand. Usually this blog is about art and creativity because that is my area of expertise. Besides, there are other blogs that write about music... PowerPop is my fave, and not just because I like the author. But the NY Times had a review of a recent show at Madison Square Garden today and it inspired me to write.
I really like this band. Seriously. I don't have the new CD yet, but I plan to buy it. The other one, not sure if it's their first or not, is one of my favorites. I put it on and I can't stop dancing. Always cheers me up too. Which is a very good thing.
But that actually does speak to creativity. It's the circumstances in which the creation takes place. Personally, when I'm feeling low I don't accomplish very much. It's an issue I've had for most of my life and over the years I've come up with strategies to cope with this. So when something comes along that makes me feel good, and I enjoy it, and it's a healthy thing, I'm all over it. Music is one of those things.. It also helps me paint and concentrate. Yes, even music like that of Franz Ferdinand. (One would think that it's too peppy, but nope!) sometimes it's cool to listen to the music and paint the images it makes. Fun too. FF is orange and kind of jumpy to me....
Not sure what my point is except that I wanted to share something that I really enjoy... Really like this band and hope they stick around for awhile.
(As I write I'm noticing that the links thingy is a bit funky.. If this doesn't publish correctly, I'll try again.... Weird...)